ロープウェイ優先乗車券『らくらくWEB予約』は、3月10日(月)で終了いたします。一般乗車券をお買い求めください。(電話での予約対応は致しておりません。)                                                                        シーズン券の販売は、9:00~16:00となります。ご了承ください。っ


Ropeway Operation

  • ロープウェイ山麓線運行中
  • ロープウェイ山頂線運行中


  1. スキーレッスン
  2. SAJバッジ検定
  3. レンタル
  4. English

Meeting Location

Zao Ski Resort
Yokokura Ski Center

Zao Ski Resort Map(English)
Yokokura Ski Center is Map No.1

Ski Lesson

Lesson Hours

AM 10:00~12:00(2 hours)
PM 13:30~15:30(2 hours)

Price per Instructor

Private Lesson
(1-2 people)
half day(AM or PM, 2 hours) ¥23,000
full day(AM & PM, 2+2=4 hours) ¥27,000
Private Lesson
(1-6 people)
half day(AM or PM, 2 hours)
full day(AM & PM, 2+2=4 hours)

Each person must be similar ability.

6-10 years children are needed special care.
So if he/she belongs to a group or family, we recommend One-on-One lesson for him/her.

※Tax is included
※Credit Card, OK

Our Contact

ZAO Utopia Ski School

Ski Equipment Rentals

Rental place:Yokokura Ski Center(same as ski school)

Adult Child
Jacket & Pants Set
(Clothing・Ski or Snowboard・Boots・Poles)
PM only ¥9,000 ¥7,000
1 day ¥12,000 ¥10,000
2 days ¥22,000 ¥17,000
Ski or Snowboar Set
(Ski or Snowboard・Boots・Poles)
PM only ¥5,000 ¥4,000
1 day ¥6,000 ¥5,000
2 days ¥11,000 ¥9,000
Jacket & Pants Set
(Clothing・Ski or Snowboard・Boots・Poles)
PM only ¥9,000
1 day ¥12,000
2 days ¥22,000
PM only ¥7,000
1 day ¥10,000
2 days ¥17,000
Ski or Snowboard Set
(Ski or Snowboard・Boots・Poles)
PM only ¥5,000
1 day ¥6,000
2 days ¥11,000
PM only ¥4,000
1 day ¥5,000
2 days ¥9,000

Child price is for 12yrs and under.
※Credit Card, OK

Single Item
Adult Child
Ski or Snowboard only PM only ¥4,000 ¥3,500
1 day ¥5,000 ¥4,000
2 days ¥9,000 ¥6,000
Boots only PM only ¥4,000 ¥3,500
1 day ¥5,000 ¥4,000
2 days ¥9,000 ¥6,000
Snow Wear
(Jacket and Pants)
PM only ¥5,500 ¥4,500
1 day ¥7,000 ¥6,000
Poles 1 day ¥1,000 ¥1,000
Sledge use area 1 day ¥1,000 ¥1,000
Ski or Snowboard only Adult
PM only ¥4,000
1 day ¥5,000
2 days ¥9,000
PM only ¥3,500
1 day¥4,000
2 days ¥6,000
Boots only Adult
PM only ¥4,000
1 day ¥5,000
2 days ¥9,000
PM only ¥3,500
1 day ¥4,000
2 days ¥6,000
Snow Wear
(Jacket and Pants)
PM only ¥5,500
1 day ¥7,000
PM only ¥4,500
1 day ¥6,000
Poles Adult: 1 day ¥1,000 Child: 1 day ¥1,000
Sledge use area Adult: 1 day ¥1,500 Child: 1 day ¥1,500

Child price is for 12yrs and under.

※Credit Card, OK

Copyright © Zao Ropeway All rights reserved.